Sauvage Décor
Sauvage Décor


Some smart tips






Tips: How to buy a carpet properly!

Buy an oriental carpet just like any other item of interior decoration, by giving priority to your emotions!

When in doubt, let professionals guide you. So much the better if your carpet does not depreciate in value - its rarity will inevitably contribute to this result - but what should guide you first and foremost is emotion.

Everyone wants the best price. Unfortunately or fortunately, oriental carpets are not products quite like the others. They are luxury - but also rare - products of another culture. And consumers therefore do not have a frame of reference to rely on for their approach...


Points of reference... and reflection


The worst is alongside the best in every region, and the buyer often confuses the name of a carpet with its value.  I have sold a 6 m² Tabriz for €1000 and another for €10,000.

To estimate the value of a carpet, it is necessary to analyse the quality of the wool, the dyes, the knotting density, the signature (if available), the rarity of the motif or the dyes, the age and the state of the wool, warp and counter-warp, origin etc.

It is impossible to judge all these factors honestly without seeing the carpet.


First, observe and compare.  Take your time and visit several shops.  Give preference to specialised shops and boutiques with a certain reputation.  These shops rely on the confidence and real satisfaction of a clientele built up through the years.

It is worth pointing out that, contrary to what the ill-informed public thinks, PRICES ARE NOT HIGHER THERE THAN ELSEWHERE!

By converse implication, beware of enticing offers that crop up just about everywhere, in particular in sales of carpets in temporary exhibitions, held on weekends in hotels or empty villas.  You will note that the signs that announce such exhibitions tend to appear on Friday, after 4:00 PM, because the ministry of economic affairs is closed, and cannot prevent these sales.  If such salesmen do not comply with the laws, you can imagine that they will not hesitate to swindle you, however nice and classy they may appear.


Moreover, it is unthinkable in a “developed” country like ours, for private individuals to buy from door-to-door salesmen, because the prices under such conditions are particularly prohibitive!

Given the success of Iranian carpets, many copies come from neighbouring countries, of mediocre quality, that are sold on the European and American markets as authentic Persian rugs.

The buyer is unfortunately drawn by the incredible discounts that the merchant or peddler is ready to grant, and at times pays double, and even triple the price for a pale copy made of mediocre quality wool.




Keeping an oriental carpet in good condition over a long period is relatively simple if you adhere to the following principles:


Dirt wears carpets much more than the constraints of intensive use.  Damage caused by dirt is of two types:

  • Dust and sand (which exists in infinite quantities, even in cities) gradually find their way to the root of the knots.  A grinding effect is then produced when you walk on the carpet and the wool is worn prematurely.

  • All the more or less fatty particles we carry around under our shoes end up covering the pile of the carpet, which loses its suppleness and becomes cardboard-like, and that is when wear really sets in.


The carpets must therefore be cleaned:

  • At least once a week, gently with the vacuum cleaner, to remove dust.

  • At least once a year by turning the carpet over and leaving it upside down for 2 or 3 days at its usual place so as to drop dust and sand that resist vacuum cleaning and use the beating cleaner.

  • Every 3 to 5 years, depending on where the carpet is placed, bring the carpet to us for a traditional washing.


Furthermore, you must avoid putting your carpets under heavy furniture:  desks, consoles, cupboards, for that would shorten their life.  And would you deprive a flower of water and air?  You must not deprive your carpet of air either.  Bear in mind that it is made of organic matter.


For old carpets, ask your reseller first and foremost, and do not give it to just anybody.


You must not:

Store it in humid places (cellars, attics, disused houses, etc.);

Store it rolled up, without precautions;

Use common ingredients for spots (grease, ink).  These incidents will be remedied in our workshops.

Beat or shake your carpet heavily.  Such methods are detrimental because they tear the edges, which are protective frames after all.



Every carpet may and must be restored.  Holes and tears can be remedied.

But a good repair must go unnoticeable.  Virtually invisible, it will not depreciate the carpet.

The expense must not be prohibitive.

We will advise you so that the cost of the restoration is justified in proportion to the value of the carpet.

An estimate will be drawn up for each job.